среда, 20 января 2016 г.

Tango Pasión

Tango Pasión is a passionate documentary about the famous Tango Argentino - in Berlin, the largest tango community outside of Argentina and the area on the Rio de la Plata. The film shows artists and dancers who have had huge influence on the ‚Tango Pasión‘ over the years, and who have gained worldwide recognition for it. Throughout the entire documentary, the passion and emotion that come with this famous dance are almost palpable. The film features interviews with famous protagonists of the Berlin tango scene. And of course, there is dancing - tango in various settings and recorded from various perspectives.

Director: Kordula Hildebrandt

Much like in my debut film "Spirit Berlin", which I had begun a year after "Tango Pasión", I dared with "Tango Pasión" to a piece of history of Berlin. Tango Argentino Tango and the Berlin I did not know before the shooting. Well, not as I now know of the steps, walking, the rules of conduct, the feelings
and the rooms and the differences to its area of origin Argentina and the Rio de la Plata. It spoke to me on a sensual, erotic and expressive, emotional way easily to the subject. When you
hear the theme completely untouched, just the tango, you immediately I had images in my head and it is this also. In the opening sequence is this reflected a bit when a man asks a woman to dance - just so at a bus stop. Surreal, but possible in Buenos Aires, where the tango is lived. But as he arrived here, the tango, the roots do not come from Berlin? I wanted to find out next, as I had researched more about the origins and history. Where research, I have to admit, but mostly on the spot happened in the milongas itself. Tango on the track I was threatened with losing me. Like almost all of my interviewees had also packed me the addiction.


Film Type:Documentary, Feature, Student
Genres:Music, Tango, Dance
Runtime:1 hour 23 minutes 3 seconds
Completion Date:September 17, 2015
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Germany

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