понедельник, 12 октября 2015 г.

Return of the Free China Junk

The honoring of six young men who crossed the Pacific in 1955 becomes a mammoth challenge of engineering, logistics and politics nearly sixty years later.
If you could save just one object symbolising your family history what would it be?
For Dione Chen (daughter of 'Free China' junk-mate Reno Chen) it was the rare old sailing junk that in 1955 carried her father and five mates from martial law in Taiwan to San Francisco.

Director: Robin Greenberg (Ms.)

Born in Philadelphia, documentary filmmaker Robin Greenberg has been based in New Zealand since the late 1980s. Her documentary 'Return of the Free China Junk' is a stand-alone film, yet it represents the last in a trilogy of films beginning with 'Huloo' (2008) and the award-winning 'The Free China Junk' (2010). (Note: T'ai Chi master Mr. Loo-Chi Hu QSM, aka Huloo, was Robin's teacher/mentor and the sail-master aboard the Free China junk.)


Film Type:Documentary, Feature
Genres:Adventure, History, Political, Inspirational
Runtime:1 hour 36 minutes 6 seconds
Completion Date:July 15, 2015
Production Budget:50,000 NZD
Country of Origin:New Zealand
Country of Filming:New Zealand, Taiwan, United States
Film Language:English


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