среда, 21 октября 2015 г.

Аgainst A Perfect Sky

John Fante (1909-1983) was an Italian-American author. In AGAINST A PERFECT SKY - the title refers to a poem by John Fante’s son Dan – we witness the pilgrimage of Dutch authors and Fante aficionados Jaap Scholten and Henk van Straten to the Italian village of Fante’s forefathers in the Abruzzi. They try to capture the Italian roots that are such a vital part, or maybe even the soul of his writing. AGAINST A PERFECT SKY is a story about migration, fathers and sons and the art of writing, against the backdrop of the glorious town of Torricella Peligna and the literary festival Il Dio di Mio Padre.


Film Type:Documentary
Runtime:44 minutes 58 seconds
Completion Date:August 21, 2015
Production Budget:10,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Netherlands
Country of Filming:Italy
Film Language:Dutch, English, Italian

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